I am still not used to my new life, but i will keep hanging on i guess!!
"my other choice is to flee this country but lets keep that on the side for now"
I was tagged by the gorgeous HIBBA.
BUT i am not going to answer everything so here we go:
15 years ago: we were hiding in our houses worried about my dad and my uncles.. things were crazy and we lost everything we "owned".. i still rememeber how my mom insisted on shopping in jam3iya as if things were normal.. i think she was very close of getting arrested on several occasions..
10 years ago: i was helping an old lady cross the street but when crossing back i was hit by a car LOL.. "yeah no one trust me on their life"
1 year ago: my life was boring to death, i started hating uni and everything about my life "depression period"
tomorrow: i am having a girl's night out with my mates " i wish everyone was in kuwait though ekh"
5 snacks i enjoy: well i love food, i enjoy everything, but chocolate and busicuits are the top ones.. add to that pears and mini carrots
5 artisits: Luther Vandross, Toni Braxton..... enough
TV shows: i cant recall all my favourites but basically :my wife and kids, fresh prince of bel air, south park. STRICTLY COMEDY COS LIFE IS ALREADY MISERABLE
If i had 100 million: with out any doubt, i would give half of it to the poor and needy in africa and asia but the other half i would go and buy an island "that is like a dream LOL"
speaking about the poor,,, i really sometimes wish i can give everyone i see some money,, i am not talking about any one, i am talking about very old ppl in the street trying to sell you things.. it just breaks my heart every second walla..