Remember in my last post about my night out?
Oh what a night it was, just what i needed.. It was not strictly girls but we were all friends from a loooong time ago and we had a blast..
Picture not excellent but we first headed to swensens to please my sister who has an addiction, then we went to TGI, where we waited for a good table, then we had dinner and ruined the DJ's night @ the same time; my friend "a guy" kept sending him notes on napkins, i wont say more..
We then went to chocolate bar, my first time ever there, we laughed like crazy all night, it took me 30 minutes to figure out what i wanted, i had the molten cake, i can still smell it this instant!!!
Finally we went to MCcafe "had to end it the 3agad way" the girls had espresso and the guys had double mc stuff!!!!
We looked weird but mashalla guys dont mind eating all those calories.. i love their spirit..
Why did last night end so fast :(