Friday, February 02, 2007

Huge Turnoff

You would think that when a country hosting a world class medical convention, invites only 1 doctor from kuwait, you would think that this doctor must be amazingly and interestingly worthwhile.

So as i was anxiously waiting for this Doctors lecture, deep in my mind i thought i will leave that hall feeling proud because the topic picked was very essential medically!

The surprise.
I dont know the Doctor very well, but i am sure that she must be such an inveterate person to have hold such a position in one of the important laboratories in kuwait.

Yet her presentation had no indications of that at all. i mean no offence; a 3 year old kid would even have realised how bad it is. the information on the slides were very repetitive "difference maybe the hedious colours!!!" i mean it was a joke. to top it all, she read off the slides!!! that is a big NO NO as every professional is probably aware. Even if she didnt have an experience in this, she should have worked on being trained before she flies to this convention with such low grade capabilities of presenting a world class lecture!
World class as in "professors from all over the world" not just usual general practitioners..

Finally, at the part were you ask questions or give in comments, she was the only one who needed the question to be repeated twice AND THEN translated to arabic!! for God's sake..
I left that lecture hiding my badge feeling so turned-off "obviously did not clap"
And trying to remember where can i find the food hall now...