Does anybody keep these t.shirts anymore?
I found it in our closet last summer and thought how the hell did this survive the war (ghazou) when my toys didnt for example!!
I decided to bring it to here (UK) and wear it indoors only for obvious reasons :P
Anyway i think its such a cute t.shirt.. not only is dark blue my favourite color (clothes wise), but also i think this logo is just so cool.. when i was a kid, this logo was part of my life.
I mean just look at that pretty happy camel :D
How come we do not get a picture of it with you wearing it?
yeah i like the old nbk a lot better...
how cute!!
It reminded me of this song : "kan fee bint izgheeri te7lam inno yseer, 3anda sarwi kbeeri ow mal kteer kteer (btw why was it lebanese?) sarit tejma3 tejma3 be6aree'e 7ilwi, fee 7assalit tawfeer 7asalit il jamal..
yom kibrit shwayyi, ra7at 3asob7eye, 7ata tefta7 7saaab bank il kuwait il watani..
HALA HALA ZAINA be7sab il tawfeer.."
LOL im shocked i still know the words LOL
lol purg, i actually did take a pic while wearing it,, either case it was similar to this pic but with a human body inside it :)
Mark, it was much much nicer wasn't it.. it was all what NBK was about infact
Sarah :D u have put a BIG smile on my face girl. u know the words well good :)
ah, good days. i think the song was in lebanese cos their accent is softer therefore probably suits such a song better ?!?!
donno really
This is strange,, i am singing the song during my lunch hour
thanX SARAH :P
yeah that is what WE are interested to see.
Georyhthm, i really would not know if it was before or after the war this t.shirt specifically. ITS A HYPOTHESIS I GUESS..
Point is, its so old that its colors are fading now..
The logo was the same before the war too :)
Purg, maybe next time then ;)
Nice T-shirt , its good to have memorial stuff like this t-shirt .. never lose it , and keep put safe , and out of reach of children . o ya7ya bank bo b3eer
i hate promotional t-shirts.. but that logo is still cute.
Hey Rah :)
Frankly, this t.shirt was not worn by anyone before LOL. and i can almost swear that my family did not know it existed.
It was a promotion from the bank along with maaaaaaany other stuff like pens and diaries (which i love) and little money box's .. etc
The reason i am keeping it though is because it holds the sweetest memories of my childhood.
I dont think anybody wears promotional t.shirts back home unless they were forced by their companies.
ohh then its a good reason. i guess soveneirs and such things are pretty fun, if we see it from the remberance prespective.
thanks for adding me on side-pane.
oh crap, really? cos i was intending to wear my uni t.shirt !
i think it is stupid when you have to think about what you wear in kuwait twice..
Shopaholic, you are the first kuwaiti i know in britain that i agree with all she says! are you sure you are not my long lost twin :P
have a good day hun, weather is getting gorgeous i am happy, i can wear my shades now ;)
Look what i have done to you guys
F, im glad it made you smile :))
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